
Downloadable pdf version link at the bottom of the page


Feb 2022 - Now : Machine Learning Scientist @ Sky (Comcast Group)

June 2018 - Feb 2022 : Data Scientist @ Wealthype

Feb 2016 - June 2018 : Quantitative Analyst @ AdviseOnly

Professional Certifications


Hot topics: Querying and processing data, deploying supervised and unsupervised machine learning model, visualizing results and creating storytelling for data communication.

Software: Power BI, Azure ML, T-SQL, Python

Final project: Developed supervised machine learning model for predicting county-level rents in US, given socio-economic/demographic information.

Hot topics: Processing data, deploying deep learning and reinforcement learning model for imagine recognition and classification tasks.

Software: Azure ML, Python

Final project: Developed deep learning model (CNN) for classifying 11 types of appliances from their spectrogram, quantified by current and voltage measurements.


Hot topics: Deep Learning, Optimization, CNN, RNN, Structuring ML Projects

Google Cloud

Hot topics: Google Cloud Platform, Google App Engine, Machine Learning, Big Query


Fourth Brain Machine Learning Engineer Curriculum

Hot topics: Data-centric AI, AI application, MLOps, Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning

Software: Python, Docker, GCP, Airflow, Databricks

Università degli studi di Milano - Bicocca

Hot topics: Econometrics, Investment strategies & asset allocation, Investment banking

Software: Matlab, R, Eviews, Stata, VBA, C++

Thesis: Developed a risk-based investment strategies for my master’s degree thesis, using a Bayesian statistics model strengthen by an orthogonal GARCH model for risk estimation.

Hot topics: Market-driven management, Macroeconomics, Statistics for marketing and customer clustering tecnique

Software: VBA, C++, SQL

Thesis: Synthetic ETF between financial innovation and regulatory constraints.

Technical Experience

Below is a list of the main projects i took part in.

In my Github profile you'll find some of my hobby projects:


I developed an agile working methodology using the following tools:


🏡: Domodossola/Milano - Italy

📱: +393474375275

📧 : daniele.davino@live.it

Click here for a pdf version of my CV!